Thursday, January 31, 2013

8th grade activity proposal 2012-13


This year we are very excited about our 8th graders as they leave Wesley with a BANG!  We have some fun and interesting activities for them. 
  • A Black History/Georgia History Tour of Savannah 3 days and 2 nights - May 13-15th
  • Math/Science Day at Six Flags over Atlanta - May 3
  • Farewell Dance with 7th and 8th graders - May 18th - 6:30 - 10pm
  • Awards Evening Celebration - tbd
  • Class T-shirts
  • Yearbook and Signing Party for all 8th graders
  • Promotion Ceremony - May 23

Although we are still working on estimates, we to cover all of these wonderful events and perks with a per family contribution of $250.  The committee is planning to have a few fundraiser activities and with these we hope to lower the cost per family.  However, deposits must be made to hold our space on the buses, to reserve hotel rooms, to order yearbooks etc…  Therefore we are asking that each family make a non-refundable deposit of $100 before we leave for the holiday break Dec 19, 2012. as soon as possible.

Students will bring home a consent form on Monday.  Please return a check, cash or money order with the consent form.  We will accept partial payments due to extenuating circumstances.  Please contact Ms. Hardon or Ms. Horton to arrange.  However, the more we have the more we can do. 

We will also need volunteers for several events.  Please indicate on your consent/intent forms where you would like to lend a hand.

Activity Intent Form: $100 Deposit due - Feb 15
$75 2nd payment due March 15
$75 3rd payment due April 15

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